Episode 12

Value the De-valued

This is a long episode but worth every minute of your time! Whilst this episode focuses on education and will be particularly useful to Queenlanders, there's messages, tips and knowledge shared here that is for anyone.

Value the De-valued

This is a long episode but worth every minute of your time! Whilst this episode focuses on education and will be particularly useful to Queenlanders, there's messages, tips and knowledge shared here that is for anyone who needs to understand devaluation of people with disabilities, disability discrimination in education and really covers all the challenges we parents and teachers of Square Peg kids face as we constantly battle to break down the barriers of segregation, exclusion, behaviourism and devaluing people with disabilities.
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Episode Resources

Australian Social Role Valorisation Association
Australian Social Role Valorisation Association
Community Resource Unit
Community Resource Unit
Broadreach Training and Resources
Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift
Our school principal said it didn't really matter what we determined in terms of Shaun Staying at that school, that he was just going to suspend Shaun for longer and longer periods until we would have no choice than to leave the school.
Lisa Bridle

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