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WA Schools are Not Safe!!
23rd October, 2022
Symone Wheatley-Hey
Western Australian schools are not safe. Restraint, physical abuse, isolation and exclusion of vulnerable students goes unchecked on a daily basis. Behaviourism traumatises young people and segregation leads to poor long term outcomes. Minister Sue Ellery blocks attempts to advise or engage online so I decided to write a blog to act as an open letter to Minister Ellery, in the hope that the crisis that is WA Education may be adverted.
Instead of CPS, NSW looks to the UK's "Strictest headmistress"!
12 October 2022
Lou Kuchel
Never has there been a better time to sign this petition! NSW Premier, Dominic Perrottet recently took a decision to set NSW Education backwards at least 50 years. The Michaela Community school in the UK is famous for its super strict, archaic behaviourist treatment for all students in attendance and Dominic Perrottet thinks it's a model worth introducing here in Australia.
Reducing Suspensions will not stop the Punishments without Collaborative Proactive Solutions (CPS)
6th August, 2022
Lou Kuchel
NSW Education Minister, Sarah Mitchell commented in the Sydney Morning Herald on 31st July, that she is aware of a disproportionate number of students with disabilities in school suspension figures and that reducing the length and number of suspensions via discipline policy reform, will resolve the problem of exclusion and disengagement from education. She hopes to achieve this via the NSW Behaviour Strategy that is finally approved for roll out by the NSW Teacher’s Federation. Whilst her intent is admirable and well meaning, parents of these students know, a sinister problem remains and is waiting in the wings: Push out.
Independence is Never a Goal in my Kids' IEPs
25th June, 2022
The Neurodivergent Doctor
IEP meetings are a regular part of our school calendar. What’s an IEP meeting? IEP = Individualised Education Plan In Australian schools, all disabled kids have a right to accommodations. This is to help them access the curriculum the same as their non-disabled school mates. Disability accommodations include physical things like wheelchairs, access ramps, sensory-friendly seating, fidgets, noise cancelling headphones, visual prompts and schedules, and other things like an Education Assistant (EA) giving needed help. The IEP should be a record of the accommodations your kid needs, and their goals.
Autistic Play is Beautiful
The Neurodivergent Doctor
When my first kid was identified as Autistic, the usual diagnostic criteria were followed. The focus was on what my kid couldn’t do, that typically developing kids the same age can do. I felt a fool, for not noticing my kid's play was so lacking and incorrect. My neurodivergent family's play could be described as restricted, repetitive patterns of interest, lacking neurotypical communication and social interaction. Our play is also beautiful, fun, rich with connection and Autistic identity.
Self-Advocacy. What Happens when our Children speak up?
6th February, 2022
Lou Kuchel
What happens when our children speak up about their neurodivergence? How can we help them to be heard in a constructive and helpful way? I recently experienced the power of self-advocacy when my son wrote a letter that will change the trajectory of his school year ahead.
The Birth of Square Peg Round WhoIe podcast: a neuro-divergent community
14th December, 2021
Lou Kuchel
From confusion and despair to advocating for change, so emerged the idea of a podcast about neurodiversity and inclusion. Square Peg Round Whole is a podcast for everybody with a focus on supporting those who are differently wired.

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