Episode 9

Twice Exceptional

In this episode, Lou talks to Melinda Gindy about being Gifted and Talented with Disability, also known as Twice Exceptional. Did you know that you can be gifted but also have one or more disabilities?

Twice Exceptional

In this episode, Lou talks to Melinda Gindy about being Gifted and Talented with Disability, also known as Twice Exceptional. Did you know that you can be gifted but also have one or more disabilities? This is a concept shrouded in mystery and misconception. Melinda helps Lou to unpack and understand this complex area in education. Melinda clearly and gracefully explains what this all means and what we as parents and teachers can do to welcome and accept Twice Exceptional Square Pegs and how we can help them to effectively engage with their learning, just like everyone else.
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Twice exceptionality is not that individuals are twice as smart. It means that they have two exceptionalities compared to their neurotypical peers.
Melinda Gindy

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