Episode 22

The Next Frontier: Square Peg Employment with The Neurodivergent Coach.

Samantha Nuttall is The Neurodivergent Coach and she talks to Lou about life as a neurodivergent mum to two neurodivergent sons and the interesting lightbulb moment she had that led her to develop her business as The Neurodivergent Coach.

The Next Frontier: Square Peg Employment with The Neurodivergent Coach.

Samantha Nuttall is The Neurodivergent Coach and she talks to Lou about life as a neurodivergent mum to two neurodivergent sons and the interesting lightbulb moment she had that led her to develop her business as The Neurodivergent Coach. Sam is passionate about helping neurodivergent people to overcome disability discrimination barriers with employment. She's on a mission to change the life and employment outcomes for all Neurodivergent individuals, at an individual, organisational and systemic level.
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Interview processes are biased towards those who are great at talking about how good they are for the job, not necessarily who is the best candidate for that job.
Samantha Nuttall

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