Episode 24

The Human Right to Read

Lou and George talk about "the human right to read, write and numerate" as George put it. They discuss language and diagnosis of learning disorders, advocacy, reasonable adjustments at school, assistive technologies, myths and more.

The Human Right to Read

Lou and George talk about "the human right to read, write and numerate" as George put it. They discuss the correct language used to describe learning disorders Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. The diagnosis and school experiences, teachers' approaches, George explains some key messages for parents and teachers, where to get help and access supportive resources, reasonable adjustments, assistive technology and more. George dispels myths associated with learning disorders, and there are many. It's a very informative "part one" discussion about learning disorders. More to come on this can of worms!
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Every child has the right to learn to read and write and to be numerate.
Georgina Perry

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