Episode 10

Tassie Maddi

This week, Lou talks to Maddi about all things ADHD. Dr Maddi Derrick is a psychologist, a parent and has a lived experience of ADHD.

Tassie Maddi

This week, Lou talks to Maddi about all things ADHD. Dr Maddi Derrick is a psychologist, a parent and has a lived experience of ADHD. Maddi is super clever because she is a founding member of the super successful parent advocacy group called Parents for ADHD Advocacy Australia. Lou and Maddi discuss the early days and Maddi explains her experiences as a psychologist and why kids with ADHD deserve a special understanding, support and care and Maddi also advises on advoacy in education. It's a really spicy and colourful discussion between two old mates and mums who know their Square Pegs!
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The end game for me, with a client, is for them to be at a point where they're not interested in doing the same things in the same way as a neurotypical person.
Dr Maddi Derrick

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